• Fiberglass Septic Tank

    Fiberglass Septic Tank

  • Fiberglass Septic Tank

    Fiberglass Septic Tank

This fiberglass septic tank is constructed according to the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Fiberglass septic tanks may be composed of different material other than concrete or plastic, yet, it is durable and performs best over a long time.

The fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) which serves as the main material of the septic tank composition is made of long-lasting framework from its fabrication to production until it reach the market to satisfy every customer's needs.

We, fiberglass septic tanks supplier, have our own observation when comparing it to plastic septic tanks. Obviously, with fiberglass septic tank prices, it is really worth enough as fiberglass does not bend when compared to plastic.

Fiberglass septic tanks cost may mark higher than plastic septic tank but it is worth enough to avoid the problem of either bending or distortion specially if the groundwater will be higher than the base, as groundwater pressures can be extremely strong.

Septic tank must be strong enough to withstand any pressure but the test by simply submerging it in a pool will not actually comply to the actual performance it can produce and react just right after it is installed. Fiberglass septic tank installation will evidently stand out on its sturdiness and won’t distort.

Product performance introduction

Fiberglass Septic Tank Description

We, fiberglass septic tanks supplier, have our own observation when comparing it to plastic septic tanks. Obviously, with fiberglass septic tank prices, it is really worth enough as fiberglass does not bend when compared to plastic.

Fiberglass septic tanks cost may mark higher than plastic septic tank but it is worth enough to avoid the problem of either bending or distortion specially if the groundwater will be higher than the base, as groundwater pressures can be extremely strong.

Septic tank must be strong enough to withstand any pressure but the test by simply submerging it in a pool will not actually comply to the actual performance it can produce and react just right after it is installed. Fiberglass septic tank installation will evidently stand out on its sturdiness and won’t distort.

                                                         Fiberglass septic tanks are composed of fiberglass material.

                                         Fiberglass septic tanks are composed of fiberglass material.

<p class=                                         Fiberglass septic tank is widely used in residential buildings.
                                                          We offer fiberglass septic tanks with high quality our customers

                                          We offer fiberglass septic tanks with high quality our customers

Fiberglass Septic Tank Specification

SMC Septic Tank
Type(m³) Size(㎜) Volume(m³) Thickness(㎜) Weight(㎏)
0.5 700 x 1280 0.5 3.2 30
0.8 880 ×1534 0.8 3.3 36
1 900 x 1640 1 4 50
1.5 1100 × 1600 1.5 4 55
2 1200 x 1900 2 4 84
2 1200 x 1900 2 7 120

The Size

Fiberglass septic tank sizes ranges from 750 gallon to 10000 gallon. For household purposes, most consumers grab on the 1000 gallon fiberglass septic tank.

It all depends on the consumption. For commercial establishments like hotels, including public amenities like hospitals and schools, bigger septic tanks are needed.

The Style

Fiberglass septic tanks come in watertight seas preventing any seeping of groundwater. It can be installed to a 4 foot maximum burial depth.

The Price

In some cases, this is the time when other companies chooses to use concrete. Fiberglass septic tank vs concrete are different but the cost matters.

Noticeably, with fiberglass septic tank lifespan is a bit shorter when compared to concrete but still it is reasonably affordable with full consideration of durability. Specially during fiberglass septic tanks for sale, it is the best time to grab one. You can get good fiberglass septic tank price from us.

The Durability

Fiberglass septic tank manufacturers put on their shoes on their consumers perspective. This is why this product has come into reality after seeing lapses on septic tanks made from other materials.

Putting a fiberglass septic tank inside a concrete inclusion will add up to produce a better performance. Since concrete is not waterproof while fiberglass is an impermeable material composition, a complete waterproofing and resistance against any distortion will be achieved.

The Maintenance

Taking on fiberglass septic tank repair could be of less importance as this product is seldom to found any defect even for long term use. Distortion and cracking are two effect that should be prevented, apparently, fiberglass has a property to resist against it.


FRP septic tank has a followed principle. It sticks on the fact that the proportion of parasite eggs if larger than that of waste particle discharge mixed with liquid and sediment closed anaerobic fermentation, ammonification, liquefaction, biological antagonism to remove and disinfect the germs and bacteria including with the control of mosquitoes breeding to achieve the purpose of excrement detoxification.

Sediment Precipitation Area

Fiberglass septic tanks has the most significant material that sink into the bottom sediment treatment is sewage on the domestic sedimentation. It settle down at the bottom while it is over-layered with the upper water surface. A highly active microbial population is develop to degrade complex structure of refractory organic matter to decomposed it easily.


Upon fiberglass septic tank installation, owner must observe that the DC water is produced into a circulating water to increase the retention time of sewage in the pool. In this manner, the sewage in the pool and sedimentation sludge will contact longer then will produce more microorganisms making the sewage decomposition swallow.

Filter Processing Area

We, fiberglass septic tank manufacturers , have developed a unique style and function as it adopts advanced biofilm treatment technology that is being used at home or abroad. Large number of microorganisms breed on the surface of the filter after a certain period of cultivation to form a biofilm contact. The organic matter in the sewage are stopped, adsorbed, and decomposed by microorganisms. This is where and effective evolutionary process happens.

Sediment precipitation area

Sediment precipitation area

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Filter processing area

Filter processing area


High Strength

Resist distortion

Watertight Seams

Has variation of colors

Non-corrosive for long life

Dimensions are approximate

Lightweight for easy installation

Tank can float in areas where the groundwater is high

Constructed according to the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code

Fiberglass septic tank installation

Fiberglass septic tank can be installed together a gravel backfill or a concrete inclusion.

Prior to installation, some fiberglass septic tank manufacturers prefer to do the wet pit test. It is a test where the tank will be buried in gravel, pumping out out the water into the gravel to stimulate the pressure of the groundwater.

If it passed the test, result will then show the best performance of the tank. However, for trusted manufacturers like us, our products has already its own standards showing our consumers the evidence of a good tank performance.

Household septic tanks can be considered as small investment tanks at low cost. Installation of this size will only take in 1-2 days.

1280 × 748 mm 
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1710 × 965 mm 
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1875 × 1010 mm 
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Fiberglass septic tank installation satisfies the needs of consumers looking for an alternative septic tank other than those made up of concrete but durable enough than plastic septic tank. It fits on a wide range of user starting from household purposes to big companies. such as food, medical, textiles, chemicals, electricity, metallurgy, machinery, petroleum, construction.

Our customers use fiberglass septic tanks

Our customers use fiberglass septic tanks

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Shipment will arrive early than expected date. Everything according to package will be safely shipped to customers with no defects.

It can be shipped unassembled and nested together

There are many fiberglass septic tanks in our factory

There are many fiberglass septic tanks in our factory

We deliver fiberglass septic tanks with high quality to our customers

We deliver fiberglass septic tanks with high quality to our customers

We delivery fiberglass septic tanks by our own transportation trucks for our customers

We delivery fiberglass septic tanks by our own transportation trucks for our customers


Fiberglass septic tank lifespan provides a 25-year warranty. Then it all depends on the usage of the consumer whether it is maintained or not conserved.


Fiberglass Septic Tank


Farms, waste recycling stations, garbage recycling stations, toilets



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